Ashfold Parents' Committee

Welcome to Ashfold Parents’ Committee (APC).

The Ashfold Parents` Committee is a fun and active community where all parents are welcome to become involved in School life, every parent can choose to become as involved as they like.

IMG 20231220 WA0002The Committee is made up of a Chairperson, a Treasurer, and each year group from PP1 to Form 6 has a representative or shared between two, who volunteer for a 2-year post to help support the APC within their year group and the school. Reps play a vital role in welcoming new parents and families to the school. We provide advice and support to parents about routine school matters. We meet once a team with the Senior Leadership team to discuss any matters arising from the year groups. We have a very supportive group who work tirelessly to organize social events for parents in their year groups and organizing whole school events including the annual sell-out Bonfire and Firework Display, Christmas Fayre, and Quiz night to name only a few of our fundraising initiatives to enhance the enjoyment and team community of the school.

We fund raise for a wide range of projects throughout the school that directly benefit the children, and for our chosen charity each year. This year we are supporting the RedKite Family Centre in Thame as well as contributing to Thame Food Bank

If you feel you would like to help in any way either as a form rep, in the second-hand uniform shop or volunteering at an event, your time would be very much appreciated. Supporting the APC is fun, rewarding and a great way to meet other parents from across the school.

To get involved you can speak to your current form rep or email Karen here>>

Karen Bennett

Chair 2023/25

"The school has excellent links with its parents"

- ISI Inspection Report 





Chair Karen Bennett
Treasurer Bekah Diprose 
Second-hand Uniform Shop Sophie Vellacott and Jess Digby
Pre-Prep 1 Bliss Prashana
Pre-Prep 2 Lucy Brackley
Pre-Prep 3 Caroline Halling Howells 
Pre-Prep 4 Madeleine Judd 
Form 1 Becca Fairweather and Catherine Dorrian
Form 2 Fee Tickle and Mary Westlake
Form 3 Sarah Emerson and Emma Johnson 
Form 4 Victoria Shaw
Form 5 Gemma Smith and Natalie Parish
Form 6 Lucie Harrild and Emma Salter


For details of all our upcoming APC events for 2024-25 please visit our APC events page.



  • Community - To help build the wider school community so that parents feel part of the Ashfold family. APC is central to the process of welcoming new families to the School and introducing them to other families with children in the same year group. The Committee also organises a regular programme of formal and informal events and encourages families to attend.

  • Advice and Support - To give Ashfold parents advice about routine school matters, such as uniform, as well as information about the local community including local amenities, clubs, shops, restaurants etc.

  • Representation - To provide an additional conduit for the views of parents to be represented to the Headmaster. Parents are, however, encouraged to contact their child's Form Tutor in the first instance about all academic and pastoral matters.

  • Fund-raising - Finally, although most APC events are free of charge or run at cost, any funds raised are donated to school projects.


The Committee includes:

  • A Chair
  • A Treasurer
  • Form Representatives - usually, there is one parent representative appointed for each year group in the School.

Parents wishing to join the Committee are encouraged to contact the Chair. When a vacancy arises, the Chair will consider applications with other Committee members and appoint a new member.

The Friends of the Parents' Committee group provides opportunities for parents who are not on the Committee but who would like to become more involved in school life and help with the organisation and running of APC events. Any parent wishing to become a Friend should contact their Form Representative.