
The Art and Ceramics Studio at Ashfold are vibrant, creative spaces where children are encouraged to explore, experiment, and express themselves using a wide range of media and techniques. Our aim is to nurture creativity, build confidence, and develop a deep appreciation for the visual arts.

A Progressive Art Curriculum

In Pre-Prep 1 and 2 (Nursery – Reception), art is taught by Form Teachers in the classroom. From Pre-Prep 3 (Year 1) onwards, children have a dedicated double Art lesson each week with the Head of Art in our modern Design Centre.

Ashfold summer 22180

Pupils study a new artist each term, drawing inspiration from a diverse range of artistic styles and movements. They explore:

  • Drawing Techniques – Still life, portraiture, and figurative drawing
  • Painting Methods – Using different styles and materials
  • Ceramics & Printmaking – Working with pottery wheels, a kiln, a printing press, and screen printing facilities
  • Design & Architecture – Studying influential designers and architects, with cross-curricular links to other subjects

Our beautiful school grounds provide further opportunities for creativity, inspiring pupils to work outdoors, engage with nature, and experiment with land art.

Exhibitions, Competitions & Scholarships

Artwork is proudly displayed throughout the school, and highlights of the year include:

  • The Annual House Art Competition, where pupils showcase their talents in front of a guest adjudicator
  • Exhibitions at leading senior schools and IAPS competitions, where our pupils' work is regularly celebrated
  • Art Scholarship Preparation, supporting our most talented artists in building portfolios for entry to top independent senior schools

Clubs & Art Masterclasses

Beyond lessons, we offer a range of creative clubs, including art, crafts, and pottery. Our Art Masterclass meets weekly to further develop artistic skills and provide additional time for portfolio work.

Lucy Johnson | Head of Art

"Pupils relish the creative opportunities available"

- Latest ISI Inspection Report