Wrap-around Care

At Ashfold we recognise that parents lead busy lives and need flexibility both at the beginning and end of the school day.

Between our Breakfast Club and After-school Club, we offer Wrap Around Care (WAC) from 07.30 - 18.00, subject to exclusions described below.

WAC Crèche and Tea is not an extension of school or our co-curricular programme, but an opportunity for children to relax and play with their friends. Activities may take place indoors or outdoors, depending on the weather. It includes snacks and drinks, and a nourishing sandwich tea at 17:20 for those children staying until 18.00.


Booking Wrap Around Care

Please make all bookings for Breakfast Club and After-school Club via the Parent Portal.  For details on how to do this click on the link below:

How to book WAC on the Parent Portal

A 10% discount will be applied to all advance bookings received before the start of term.

Any late bookings can be made by emailing the completed WAC Booking Form to school reception.   You will find the booking form located under the Information tab/Information Hub/Forms for parents.


Wrap Around Care Sessions

WAC Session

Available to



WAC Breakfast Club

(includes breakfast)

Pre-Prep 1 – Form 6

07:30 – 08:15


WAC and Tea 1

(includes drinks and a snack)

Pre-Prep 1 - 4

15:15 – 16:15


 WAC and Tea 2

(includes drinks and a snack)

Pre-Prep 1 - 4

16:15 – 17:15


WAC and Tea 3

(includes a sandwich tea)

Pre-Prep 3 - 4

17:15 – 18:00


 WAC and Tea 4

(includes a sandwich tea)

Forms 1 – 2

17:20 – 18:00



Forms 3 - 6 18.00 - 20.00 £24.00
  • We cannot offer any WAC for children in PP1 who are yet to turn 3 years old.
  • On Wednesdays it is not possible to book children into WAC past 17.00 and on Fridays not past 17.15. WAC sessions 3 and 4 are unavailable.

Wrap Around Care Breakfast

Our Breakfast Club for children in Pre-Prep 1 – Form 6 runs from 07.30, Monday – Friday. It includes a hearty breakfast of cereal, toast, fruit, yoghurt and drinks including juice and milk.

After breakfast, children in Forms 1 – 6 go to their form rooms at 08.00 to get ready for the school day. Children in the Pre-Prep Department are accompanied to Pre-Prep at 08.15.

Wrap Around Care Exclusions

  • WAC is not available for rising 3-year-olds.
  • Children in Pre-Prep 1 must be picked at 17:15 due to statutory regulations. 
  • WAC and Tea, (session 3) is not available to PP2 children.
  • Breakfast Club and After-School Club is provided most days of the term excluding half term holidays and bank holidays – refer to the Fasti for exclusions.    


Childcare Vouchers and payment from HMRC Tax Free Childcare Accounts

We accept childcare vouchers from most companies. If you would like more information please contact our Finance Manager, Julie Hewitt, who can be contacted at Julie Hewitt or read www.gov.uk/tax-free-childcare.

A 10% discount will be applied to all advance bookings received before the start of term.