Pre-Prep Day

In the Pre-Prep, timings vary across year groups to ensure that every child benefits from a timetable of learning and activities tailored to their developmental stage.

Please find below an outline of a typical day in our Pre-Prep.


7.30am Breakfast Club opens.
8.15am Children may arrive at school from 8.15am and are supervised in our playgrounds. 
8.30am Registration
10.10am Assembly in the Mansion – this is an opportunity to consider our theme for the term, read stories and hear about world events. We also celebrate each other’s successes and birthdays.
9.00am - 12.00pm Morning lessons usually focus on numeracy and literacy and a combination of teacher-led and child-initiated activities, both inside and outside the classroom.
10.15am Snack time – the children enjoy a variety of healthy snacks during the week
10.25am The children have a mid-morning break and enjoy a play outside.
12.00pm The children eat lunch in the Mansion and sit with their Teachers. We encourage good table manners and prompt children to try a range of foods. After lunch there is a further break before afternoon lessons.
12.45pm Home time for Pre-Prep 1 children attending the morning session only
1.35pm Afternoon lessons tend to be more creative or practical sessions including Art, Music, Science, Design Technology, Computing and PE.
3.30pm Home time for Pre-Prep 1 - 3
3.30pm Wrap Around Care crèche opens.
4.15pm Pre-Prep activities end.
4.15pm Home time for Pre-Prep 4 children (Mondays and Tuesdays only).
5.15pm Wrap Around Care crèche session 2 ends.