It was scheduled to be a full on week of sport this week, but sadly the British Summertime weather decided to play its usual tricks instead and we couldn’t fulfill all of our matches. Luckily on Tuesday, the sun shone brightly and the clouds stayed away to allow our Junior teams to compete in their first cricket matches of the season. The U8 and U9 Girls had some excellent performances against Swanbourne House, including an exciting tied match for the U9B’s. The Junior Boys teams also fared well against Swanbourne House, again all putting in a great deal of effort.
Sadly on Wednesday the heavens opened and our Middle, Colts and Senior Cricket matches had to be cancelled. However, this did not stop us having extra training sessions in our Indoor nets or using the time to discuss cricketing tactics whilst watching International superstars playing in the IPL cricket competition - all valuable lessons for the future.
Next week we have another busy week ahead with an Athletics Competition at Stowe School, Junior cricket matches versus Beachborough, Middle and Senior matches against Chesham Prep, MK Prep or Akeley Wood all on the cards - and best of all, the sun is set to shine!