Forms 3 - 6
In Forms 4 - 6 (Years 6, 7 and 8), children are taught exclusively by subject specialist teachers and make extensive use of the School’s facilities including the Computing Labs, Science Lab and the Art & Design Centre. In Form 3 children are mostly taught by subject specialist teachers.
The curriculum includes English, Maths, Science, French, Latin, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Design Technology, Computing, PSHE, Music, Art, Drama, PE & Games. Wherever possible we forge cross-curricular links to consolidate children's learning.
In Forms 3 - 6 (Years 5, 6, 7 and 8), we introduce setting to ensure that children are appropriately prepared for their Common Entrance and, in many cases, Scholarship examinations.
Outside the classroom, there are plenty of opportunities for children to develop their individual talents and gain confidence with regular assemblies, music and drama productions and a wide range of sporting activities.
The children also enjoy an exciting programme of trips to complement their education including an exciting 3 day residential bushcrafting trip in Form 3 (Year 5), a residential Classics trip to Bath in Form 4 (Year 6) and a week-long French language immersion trip to Normandy in Form 5 (Year 7). In Form 6 (Year 8), there is a Geography field trip to Dorset and the annual post-exam outward bound expedition to the Brecon Beacons.
"Pupils demonstrate an excellent foundation of knowledge and a detailed understanding of a broad set of concepts in core subjects"
- ISI Inspection Report