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AshfoldHead @AshfoldSchool - Feb 4
📚 Form 6 Pupil James Takes on the Role of Teacher!
As part of his Abingdon scholarship prep, James created a lesson on slavery for Form 4, delivering a superb PowerPoint and handling some tough questions! He’s hoping the Abingdon History exam will be easier! 👏 #WeAreAshfold
AshfoldHead @AshfoldSchool - Jan 29
🎳 Form 5 & 6 Bowling Night 🎳
Our senior boarders hit the lanes for a night of strikes, spares, and debates over bumper rules! A great evening of competition and lots of fun—fantastic to see the boarding wing so full! 👏 #WeAreAshfold #BowlingNight #BoardingFun #Weloveboarding